Bourgeois Automobiles > Abou-Zeid

Demo description
Walk the line: 2 3 4

The Molenbeek borderline leaves the terrain of Stade vander Putten Stadion on the westside, where it enters the terrain of Bourgeois Automobiles; inaccessible unless you are a customer. (In which case you ring the doorbell or call 02 5382401) The line re-appears in the public domain at Rue Heyvaert 40-52, where it leaves Bourgeois, crosses the street, and runs over the pavement on the North West side in the direction of the Abbatoirs of Cureghem. (see 3 on the map)

Just After Abou Zeid Import / export at nr. 102-104 the line crosses Rue Heyveart and again enters private terrain. (see 4 on the map)
Call Abou Zeid to stay true to the Line (02 5221549) or just walk on and pick it up on the Rue de Liverpool.