Dewitte > Echo

Demo description
Walk the line: 5 6 7

There is something strange with the bridge across the Kanaal van Charleroi, that connects Rue Ropsy – Chaudron with Leon Delacroix straat. (see 8 on the map) It is designed as a symmetrical bridge, with a stairway on each of its four corners. But only the two on the South West side and the North West side remain; the two stairs on the other side leading to Quai de Mariemont (North East) and Quai de l’Industrie (South East) have been integrated in business terrains. If you look over de railing you can see that the old structure of the steps on the NE side which is still there, now serves as gardenspace for A. Dewitte et Fils Ets sa at Rue Leon Delacroix 30.

The Molenbeek borderline travels northwarts along Rue Leon Delacroix. (See 9 on the map) At the junction with Rue de Birmingham where Leon Delacroix curves into Doyen straat, the borderline goes straight forward entering the grounds of a big officebuilding at Birmingham straat number 131, which houses Echo le nouveau quotidien de l’economie et de la finance. (Read l’Echo on line)